One of the most common resolutions heard every year typically revolves around getting healthier, losing weight, and mainly being more active.
It is a great resolution to focus on your active health and that is why we see these every year. This resolution can be hard to keep if you are sidelined by foot or ankle pain after hitting the gym and diving right into your workout without taking some simple precautionary measures.
3 tips to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions for getting healthy
- Start slow: ease into your new workout routine and let your body acclimate to the increased activity. If you start high intensity workouts after having a more sedentary lifestyle- then you are more likely to develop foot pain or injury.
- Remember to Stretch: Stretching is important to prepare your muscles for the workout. Remember to dedicate enough time to stretching before and after your workout.
- Shoes Matter: You can lessen your chance of injury by wearing supportive and appropriate shoe wear appropriate for your activity. A shoe should be supportive in the arch and provide enough cushion to the heel. Heel pain and plantar fasciitis can be excruciating and make it more difficult for you to accomplish your new goals.
What happens if you follow the tips and still end up with foot or ankle pain?
Earlier detection and treatment of the injury can quicken healing time. If you start experiencing foot or ankle pain, contact a podiatrist to evaluate the issue. Don’t keep pushing through the pain, because you could do more damage. Remember to start slow, stretch before and after your workouts, and wear the correct shoes to minimize injuries.
Metro Tulsa Foot & Ankle Specialists applauds you for setting a goal of better health in the new year, and we want to see you succeed. Don’t let foot or ankle injuries derail you from your goal! Request an appointment at one of our five Tulsa-area locations today.
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